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MoreWe are a British International private school, incorporating three campuses, within Kyiv and Dnipro. We have a strong inclusive ethos based on the following vision, mission and values:
This document is intended to give you information regarding the ways in which we ensure we support all our students, including those with SEND, in order that they realise their full potential.
It may not list every skill, resource and technique we employ to achieve this as these are continually developed and used to modify our provision to meet the changing requirements of our students.
We are a high achieving British International school. We aspire for all of our students to achieve their potential, including those with SEND. Students are identified as SEND when their progress has significantly slowed or stopped, and the interventions and/or resources based on Quality First Teaching that we normally put in place do not enable improvement. A student may also be classed as SEND where there are external agencies involved with the child.
Our teachers closely monitor the progress made by all students and ask advice from the SENDCO as soon as they have concerns about any student. Class teachers are encouraged to refer any students they may be concerned about to the school SENDCO using the official referral form. The SENDCO can also help teachers to plan activities such as small group work or special programmes to help the students.
If these activities don’t help the student to make better progress the SENDCO might suggest other programmes or temporary additional support or ask for advice or assessment from an external specialist service. If the student still does not make improved progress, the SENDCO, form tutor or subject teacher will meet with parents/carers and student and together agree that additional SEND support will be put in place.
We will inform all parents if your child has been placed on the SEND register. We will also inform parents if your child has made necessary progress and no longer needs to remain on the SEND register. Exam concessions will be put in place for those with need. As soon as a child’s SEND has been identified we will contact parents and invite them to come into school to discuss plans to support the child (and parents as necessary).
Our policies on SEND provide information about how we make provision for all students with SEND. These policies are available to view on the school’s Parent Portal.
Mr Gavin Guest is the school’s qualified SENDCO and Whole-School Designated Safeguarding Officer. There is a team approach to Special Educational Needs and inclusion at British International School Ukraine. If a child is already at British International School Ukraine, then parents can make contact with the Class Teacher or at the campus front desk.
At British International School Ukraine we pride ourselves on innovative and current practice. Therefore, the training of all adults in the school is paramount to the success of all learners. Regular and appropriate staff training takes place, both of a generic and child-specific nature.
Whole staff training shares knowledge, expertise and experience in order to gain an outstanding, consistent approach to supporting SEND learners. Examples include Autism training and training for teachers to enable them to support students with hearing and visual impairments. Training is delivered by experts.
Buildings may undergo ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that they are accessible for all of our students. We have designated ‘safe’, supervised areas that students can access during break and lunch times to lessen anxiety, building and promoting confidence and friendship.
At British International School Ukraine we value all our parents and truly believe in working in partnership to get the best possible outcomes for our students. Target setting/ reviews, emails, texts, SEND meetings are all good ways to communicate and plan for SEND support.
Students are at the forefront of everything we do at British International School Ukraine. Their views are very important to us. This takes a variety of forms: involvement in reviews and meetings; student voice surveys; self-assessment and through the School Parliament where students are represented across the school to give their feelings and viewpoints about different aspects of school life.
The school will give careful consideration to all concerns and complaints and deal with them fairly and honestly. At BISU we aim to encourage resolution of problems by informal means wherever possible. We will provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed and aim to resolve it through open dialogue and mutual understanding. Our complaints procedure is available to view on the Parent Portal.
All students will receive support, if needed to the next phase of their learning journey. There is an extensive primary to secondary transition process, with an enhanced programme for the more vulnerable learners.
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1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Str., Kyiv
+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84
Pechersk Kindergarten
1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv
+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84
Pechersk Primary and Secondary School
1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv
+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84
Nyvky Kindergarten
45 Danylevycha Vasylia Street (former Tolbukhina), Kyiv
+38 (044) 239 21 21
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Nyvky Primary and Secondary School
45 Danylevycha Vasylia (former Tolbukhina) Street, Kyiv
+38 (044) 502 39 09
+38 (050) 410 46 44
Dnipro Kindergarten
39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro
+38 (056) 767 18 28
+38 (050) 458 80 22
Dnipro Primary and Secondary School
39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro
+38 (056) 767 18 28
+38 (050) 458 80 22
External Education
1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv
+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84