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Dnipro Kindergarten

School page

Enrollment for the 2023-2024 academic year is open!

Dnipro Bilingual Kindergarten (Nursery, Reception) welcomes children aged 3 to 5 years. A blend of the British and the Ukrainian Early Years Curriculum, the programme takes a holistic approach to education while focusing on all aspects of a child’s growth. It is designed to inspire and encourage the curious and inquisitive young minds to enquire, explore, discover, reflect and learn to solve problems.

The languages of communication are English and Ukrainian. Children who have English as their second language are likely to learn English quite quickly and gain a ‘native like’ fluency. This allows them to develop social skills and follow the British curriculum successfully.

We support children’s physical development along with their cognitive and emotional development. Forming healthy eating habits is part of our curriculum. Our chefs take a responsible approach to serve 3 balanced healthy meals to our children every day.

Well-being and safety of the children, families and staff has always been and will remain our top priority. Pechersk Kindegarten boasts a closed territory, round-the-clock security, video surveillance and a fully equipped, comfortable shelter.

On finishing Kindergarten, the child has all the necessary knowledge and level of English to continue studying the National Curriculum of England at BISU Primary School.

School life photos

About school

World Book Day

Th , 2.03.2023

Christmas Mood

Fri , 16.12.2022

Christmas Concert 2021

Fri , 17.12.2021

Pattern Day

Fri , 12.11.2021

Creepy Friday

Fri , 29.10.2021

Teacher's Day

Fri , 1.10.2021

World Animal Day

Sun , 26.09.2021

1 September: BISU Reopens its Doors

Wed , 1.09.2021

Teddy Bear Picnic

Wed , 9.06.2021

Animal Day

Wed , 30.09.2020

Halloween Сelebration

Th , 29.10.2020

Year 2, 'Habitat in a Box' Project

Th , 12.11.2020

Christmas Jumper Day

Th , 17.12.2020


Dnipro Primary and Secondary School

School page

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 academic year is open!

To children aged 6-16, we provide a comprehensive cycle of secondary international and Ukrainian education, covering Primary and Secondary.

From Year 1 to Year 9, students follow the National Curriculum for England, encompassing Key Stages 1, 2, and 3. Upon completing Year 9, students undergo assessment through the Cambridge* Checkpoint exams.

During Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4), students are prepared for the Cambridge IGCSE exams.

Also, the school offers the Ukrainian Curriculum endorsed by the Ministry of Education, leading to the Ukrainian State Standard Certificate.

*The Dnipro School is a Cambridge authorised exam centre where students can be assessed using the Cambridge Checkpoint exams and the Cambridge IGCSE exams.

School life photos

About school

1 September at Dnipro School

Fri , 1.09.2023

World Book Day

Th , 2.03.2023

Ukraine's Unity Day

Wed , 22.02.2023

Safer Internet Day

Tue , 7.02.2023

Lest We Forget

Fri , 11.11.2022

Christmas Concert 2021

Fri , 17.12.2021

Pattern Day

Fri , 12.11.2021

Creepy Friday

Fri , 29.10.2021

Teacher's Day

Fri , 1.10.2021

World Animal Day

Sun , 26.09.2021

1 September: BISU Reopens its Doors

Wed , 1.09.2021

Teddy Bear Picnic

Wed , 9.06.2021

Animal Day

Wed , 30.09.2020

Halloween Сelebration

Th , 29.10.2020

Year 2, 'Habitat in a Box' Project

Th , 12.11.2020

Christmas Jumper Day

Th , 17.12.2020


Dnipro Primary and Secondary School

39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro

+38 (056) 767 18 28

+38 (050) 458 80 22


A British school in Dnipro

Nowadays a good education is the key to your child’s future success.  Studying a good school will make it  easier to choose a university and build your dream career. It is a good and useful skill for every educated person to know English, because it is the common global language used in business communication.  . Of course, you could start learning a foreign language at an older age, but is it effective? At an early age it’s much easier to learn new things. Better educational opportunities lead to better career prospects. . A private school in Dnipro  is an excellent option for the comprehensive development of the younger generation.

A high level of knowledge, an excellent attitude to students, a comfortable learning environment, positive feedback from alumni – you will have all these benefits in our private British school..

 What makes an English school in Dnipro so special?

The very name makes it clear that the curriculum focuses on learning English, which plays a very important role, especially in international communication. All subjects in our school are taught in English, which helps your child to get immersed in an English-speaking environment,   learn new things and keep enriching their knowledge. This option is perfect for those who are thinking about studying abroad. It will be much easier to adjust to university life.

A nice bonus will be the price of studying in a private school in Dnipro. It fully corresponds to the quality of education provided in our educational institution, even during holidays.

Another big advantage  is that the curriculum is aimed at children of all ages:

  • The National Curriculum for England caters for children from Nursery to Year 9.
  • In Years 10 and 11 students get prepared for an important exam to obtain a  Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualification.  .
  • If your child chooses Dual Curriculum, in Year 12 he/she can also acquire a Ukrainian Atestat..

The British International School in Dnipro provides a high level of education and all necessary life  skills your child will need as an adult, which builds a gateway to the best universities around the world.

What advantages does the British International School in Dnipro offer?

Our school stands out from other language schools . The latter may be cheaper, but do they deliver high quality education? Studying at the British International School in Dnipro, your child will enjoy the following important benefits:

  • A comfortable environment. Children are relaxed and focused on their lessons because we have a homelike and friendly atmosphere.
  • The possibility of joining our school  at any age.  3-year-olds can enroll in the school as well as teenagers (up to 18 years old).
  • Prestigious certificates. The student l will become a holder of an internationally recognised diploma, which will make it much easier for him or her to apply for further studies at a foreign university. It will also open the door to the universities of Ukraine, if your child chooses to l simultaneously study the Ukrainian programme.
  • In-depth theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
  • The opportunity to significantly improve your level of English, which will help your childbuild a career and further study.
  • High-quality online lessons, which are in demand due to the difficult situation in the country.

Only with a holistic approach to all processes will a child receive the best possible school education.

Enrolment and follow-up with new students

If you have decided that your child will attend our private school, there are a few things to remember. Students at the English School in Dnipro are divided into the following age groups:

  • 3-6 years old;
  • 7-13 years;
  • 11-14 years.

The entry requirements at each level are slightly different.

We accept children in kindergarten and primary school regardless of their English level. Teachers will do their utmost to make sure that your child can immerse himself/herself in the school environment and adapt more quickly. If a child applies to study with us, they should attend an interview before being officially enrolled. This enables children and teachers to get to know each other and begin to develop a rapport. Our staff identify and meet all of the student’s educational needs.

For children aged 7 years and older, British School admission rules and fees are different. Students must have a good command of the English language to communicate effectively and absorb all information. In order to get into Year 7-9 you need to take a formal interview, which includes an English and Maths test. The interview takes place in the presence of a parent or guardian.

Our school in Dnipro is located on  39a Antonovycha Street. By choosing the right school for your child now, you have already ensured his  or her admission to a prestigious university and thought about his or her future.

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