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A warm welcome our new Italian Chef, Mario De Marco!

Lunches in British International School will now be even more tasty and healthy. Our new chef from Italy, Mario De Marco, will use only organic products; every meal will be balanced to accommodate the lifestyle of the children and be made with love.

Mario De Marco comes to Ukraine from the small town of Pompei in the South of Italy. This region is famous for the tastiest pastas, pizzas and cheeses so the new menu of the school will be inspired by the best Southern Italian recipes. The story of Mario’s cooking career is closely related to that of his mother, who was a very well-known and talented cook in the region of Naples. Donna Michela Ascolese gave cooking classes to several generations of young Italians and inspired them to create real cooking masterpieces. Mario always remembers a big family table, full of local delights and friendly people.

In addition to the classical Ukrainian meals that are well-known to our students, the new menu will also include whole-grain pastas, ecological vegetables and fruits, pizzas with various sorts of cheeses, home-made olive oil, Tiramisu (without coffee powder), various Italian biscuits and cakes. Although It is not very common to eat soup in Italy, our menu will include meat and vegetable soups created from the special recipes of De Marco.

Our new menu will meet the highest standards expected by Ukrainian authorities and also of school meals approved in Italy. Mario will work closely with the experienced BISU kitchen staff and the new meals will be available for all our students at Nivki, Pechersk and Dnipro.

Buon appetito!

Look for us: Private school in Kyiv Private school in Dnipro




Online Education

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Str., Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

Pechersk Kindergarten

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

Pechersk Primary and Secondary School

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

Nyvky Kindergarten

45 Danylevycha Vasylia Street (former Tolbukhina), Kyiv

+38 (044) 239 21 21

+38 (066) 303 75 78

Nyvky Primary and Secondary School

45 Danylevycha Vasylia (former Tolbukhina) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 502 39 09

+38 (050) 410 46 44

Dnipro Kindergarten

39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro

+38 (056) 767 18 28

+38 (050) 458 80 22

Dnipro Primary and Secondary School

39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro

+38 (056) 767 18 28

+38 (050) 458 80 22

External Education

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

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