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Digital Wellbeing: guidance for parents

The impact the online world can have on the lives of children and young people

Young people are growing up in a world where technology has always been present for them and this can have both a positive and negative impact on their lives.  On the one hand, going online can mean being connected to friends, sharing experiences and learning new things but all of these experiences can also pose challenges for young people. Our digital wellbeing can be influenced by the choices we make online, the content we see, the interactions we have with others and even how long we spend engaging with technology and the internet. Reports have found that those who spend extended amounts of time online are more likely to see upsetting content, receive abusive comments or send abuse to others.

Technology and the internet should be there to enhance and simplify our lives rather than be a cause of distraction, worry or upset. However, not all online experiences are positive for young people and this can have a negative impact on how they feel about themselves, their friendships and relationships and even how they see the wider world.

3-7 year olds

Children are engaging with technology from a very young age and their early online experiences can shape their understanding of the wider world and human interaction. For children aged 3-7, their online use could mainly consist of watching videos online, playing games or searching for content and this could be done using parents’ phones, family tablets or even their own devices. This access to online content could mean they are at risk of seeing inappropriate, worrying or upsetting content which could impact on their digital wellbeing.

To know 5 top tips for supporting children aged 3-7 online click here

7-11 year olds

Children aged 7-11 have become increasingly independent users of technology and the internet with many of them owning their own devices. Their online use will consist of many of the same activities as younger children (gaming, watching video content) but they may be independently accessing content which is intended for an older audience and beginning to explore the use of social media through services like Tik Tok, Snapchat and Instagram. This access to online content which is intended for older users and desire for independence when going online could mean they are at an increased risk of seeing inappropriate content which could impact on their digital wellbeing.

To know 5 top tips for supporting children aged 7-11 online click here

11-14 year olds

Young people aged 11-14 are likely to be completely independent in their internet and technology use and may use social media, online games and watch online videos on a daily basis. When it comes to supporting young people aged 11-14 with digital wellbeing we need to empower them to make choices which are right for them and will make their online lives purposeful, positive and inspiring.

To know 5 top tips for supporting children aged 11-14 online click here

14-18 year olds

The internet and technology have become such an integral part of everyday life for young people and is inbuilt into many of their social interactions, information gathering and presentation of their self to the wider world. Young people aged 14-18 are usually very active users of the internet and this is often perpetuated by a society which is fully immersed in the digital world. Much of our communication with loved ones, applications for courses or jobs or submitting work now happens solely online.

For 5 top tips for supporting children aged 14-18 online click here

NOTE: This material is based on Digital Wellbeing

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Online Education

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Str., Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

Pechersk Kindergarten

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

Pechersk Primary and Secondary School

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

Nyvky Kindergarten

45 Danylevycha Vasylia Street (former Tolbukhina), Kyiv

+38 (044) 239 21 21

+38 (066) 303 75 78

Nyvky Primary and Secondary School

45 Danylevycha Vasylia (former Tolbukhina) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 502 39 09

+38 (050) 410 46 44

Dnipro Kindergarten

39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro

+38 (056) 767 18 28

+38 (050) 458 80 22

Dnipro Primary and Secondary School

39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro

+38 (056) 767 18 28

+38 (050) 458 80 22

External Education

1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv

+38 (044) 596 18 28

+38 (050) 412 48 84

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