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Decree: On the strengthening of restrictive measures to prevent the coronavirus COVID-19 from spreading.
In compliance with an instruction of the Kyiv City Council executive body (Kyiv City State Administration) dated 11 March 2020 No. 427 “On the suspension of the educational process in the institutions of preschool, general secondary, extracurricular, professional (vocational and technical), higher education of all types and forms of property”, the Protocol of the Standing Committee on Technogenic-Ecological Safety and Emergency Situations of the Kyiv City Council Executive Body (Kyiv City State Administration) No. 10, dated 16 March 2020, guided by the Article 113 of the Labor Code of Ukraine, with the aim to minimize the consequences of the new bio-threat, and introduce prevention measures as to containing COVID-19 pathogen outbreak in Kyiv
It is ordered that:
1. The heads of education departments of district state administrations in Kyiv, the heads of educational institutions starting from 00:00 17 March 2020 until further notice are obliged:
1.1. to stop the work of groups, sections, studios in out-of-school educational institutions, including economic entities that provide educational services
1.2. to provide distance work with the help of electronic means, information and communication technologies, with retention of average earnings;
1.3. to cancel all the meetings, apart from exceptional cases or make telephone/video conference meetings;
1.4. to abolish all the personal receptions of citizens until further notice;
1.5. to allow employees to be present at their workplaces only in case of emergency; provide daily temperature screening for workers; provide necessary conditions for employees to follow personal hygiene rules (washstands, soap, disposable towels, tissue); immediately send home for self-isolation all employees who have any respiratory disease symptoms;
1.6. to ensure that disinfection activities take place (wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants); to keep the normal air temperature and provide ventilation for the rooms;
1.7. to suspend from work those employees who visited countries with a high risk of infectious diseases for 14 days period from the date of their arrival to Kyiv;
1.8. to restrict access of third parties to the rooms of education departments and educational institutions
2. The control over the implementation of this order should be assigned to the heads of district education departments of city administrations in Kyiv and heads of educational institutions.
Director of the Department
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+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84
Pechersk Primary and Secondary School
1 Verkhohliada Andriia (former Drahomyrova) Street, Kyiv
+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84
Nyvky Kindergarten
45 Danylevycha Vasylia Street (former Tolbukhina), Kyiv
+38 (044) 239 21 21
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45 Danylevycha Vasylia (former Tolbukhina) Street, Kyiv
+38 (044) 502 39 09
+38 (050) 410 46 44
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39a Antonovychа Str., Dnipro
+38 (056) 767 18 28
+38 (050) 458 80 22
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+38 (056) 767 18 28
+38 (050) 458 80 22
External Education
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+38 (044) 596 18 28
+38 (050) 412 48 84