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Parents Workshop: How Do We Use Technology at BISU

“A generation is in danger of going through their school years thinking ‘computers know best’ ”.

Susan Ward, Deputy Head, Kingsland Primary School (Scotland, UK)  

The latest research about screen time suggests that exposing young children to too much time in front of a TV or computer can have negative effects on their development, including issues with memory, attention and language skills.

Sheri Madigan, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Calgary in Canada, and her colleagues studied 2,441 mothers and children enrolled in the “All Our Families” study, which followed young children from ages two to five.  “What too much screen time leads to is a variety of missed opportunities for learning and development,” says Madigan. “When a child is watching a screen, he or she is missing out on the opportunity for walking, talking and interacting with others.”

Last week, a parent’s workshop dedicated to this problem took place at BISU Early Years & Lower Primary School at Nivki campus.  Paul Thompson (Head of School) and Brianne Eddy-Lee (Deputy Head of School and IB PYP Coordinator) held an interesting and informative presentation on how we can cope with the problem.  

What can you do?

The way in which children are using TV or computers is also important. Watching with parents or caregivers, for example, can make the experience more engaging and less passive, and can even provide opportunities for learning and social development. Also, make sure you do the following:

  • try to limit screen time to 2 hours per day
  • ensure that your children do not have screen time for 1 hour before bedtime
  • did you now that children have to be 13 years old to have a Facebook and Instagram account?

Best child-friendly search engines:

The importance of sleep

Most children need a lot of sleep to cope with their busy daily schedule.  This is usually more than parents allow for. If a child refuses to go to nap or go to sleep before 10 pm, many parents just assume that they don’t need much sleep. This is not the case. Develop good sleeping habits – eat, bathe, story and bed (with lights out).

As result parents found out a lot of useful and important information like an overview of how we integrate technology into our learning and teaching and how we can help our children use technology in the most effective and safe way.

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